Isidore Niyongabo’s Story:

Originally from Burundi, Isidore’s world changed when he contracted and survived spinal meningitis and started his journey as a Deaf person. After overcoming the challenges and obstacles in accessibility during his early education in Burundi, he moved to California to pursue higher education.
He holds an Associate’s degree from Ohlone College, a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from San Diego State University, and a Master’s degree in Peace and Justice Studies from the University of San Diego with concentration in International Human Rights and Development. Currently, Isidore works as the Human Resources Manager for Convo Communications. While not in his office, he continues to advocate for access to education and a better quality of life for deaf children and youth in sub-saharan Africa and globally through IDEAL. In addition, Isidore travels the country inspiring thousands of people through his story filled with examples of perseverance, self-reliance, courage, and hope.